Achievement & Milestones
Initial Phase (1981 - 1990)
Incorporated on Dec 2, 1981
Sets up Education Centres in Bombay, Chennai Introduced Multimedia technology in education
Education Centre set up in Bangalore Corporate Training programs introduced
IT Consultancy services started
Head Office integrated at New Delhi
Software Product Distribution started under Insoft brand
Education Centre set up in Calcutta, Hyderabad Conceived the Franchising model of Education
The birth of an NIIT-ian -- a branding for NIIT alumni
Education Centre opens in Pune
Created the Computer drome to provide "unlimited" computer time to students
Growth Phase (1991 - 2000)
- Bhavishya Jyoti Scholarships launched for meritorious and socially challenged students.
- First overseas office set up in US
- Corporate Training programs started Internationally
- Launched GNIIT, program with Professional Practice launched
- Created I-Write, a revolutionary computer software for people with special needs
- International revenues touch Rs 50 million
- Achieved ISO 9001 for Tick IT for Instructional Software Exports
- NIIT becomes a listed company and launches a successful IPO
- Launched LEDA, a multimedia IT education program for Learning through Exploration, Discovery, and Adventure
- Revenue crosses Rs 1 billion mark
- NIIT becomes Microsoft's Premier Education and Training Partner
- Matrix Structure evolves with Geographies, Businesses and Organisations
- NIIT organizes Microsoft windows training program simultaneously in 4 countries on the day of the launch and becomes Microsoft's Premier Education & Training Partner Status
- First International Education Centre launched in October 2, 1996 in Hong Kong
- Launched NetVarsity, the virtual university
- Awarded ISO 9001 for Computer Education
- NIIT Education centres cross 500 mark
- NIIT gets Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor status
- NIIT becomes the first Indian company to be assessed at SEI CMM Level 5 for Software Business
- NIIT becomes World Economic Forum global growth company
- Market capitalisation crosses USD 1 billion
- Achieved the status of Microsoft best training partner in Asia
- Chess Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand becomes NIIT Brand Ambassador
- NIIT bags order to train students in 371 Tamil Nadu Government schools
- Started the revolutionary Hole-in-the-Wall experiment for disadvantaged children
- Education centres crosses 2000 mark NIIT Brand Ambassador Viswanathan Anand becomes World Champ
Expansion Phase (2001 - 2014)
- The only IT training company from Asia to feature among IDC Top 15 global IT training players
- Commemorates December 2, 2001 as World Computer Literacy Day
- NIIT trains 100,400 learners in a single day on its 20th Foundation Day
- Enabled revolutionary education loans for GNIIT students, along with CITIBANK and IFC
- NIIT Knowledge Solutions Business becomes the first content developer in the world to be assessed at SEI-CMM 5
- Acquires companies - Osprey, DEI and Click2learn in the US
- Launched Planetworkz to address the manpower needs of the growing ITeS industry
- Education network in China crosses the 50-Centre mark
- NIIT brand among the Superbrands
- Launched NIIT MindChampions Academy with Vishy to promote chess in schools
- Achieves CMMi Level 5 for software business
- Ranked amongst 25 "Great Places to Work" by Business World
- Global Solutions Business spun off into NIIT Technologies
- NIIT Brand Ambassador and World Rapid Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand wins Chess Oscar for the third time
- Created the "NIIT-Inside" model in China to implement Innovative partnership with the Chinese Universities
- Bioinformatics training program launched in collaboration with IIT Delhi
- China education network crosses 100 centre mark
- Industry endorsed GNIIT curriculum launched
- Launched Edgeineers, to boost career opportunities for engineering graduates
- NIIT IT Aptitude Test launched
- Announced entry into the financial services sector with the launch of IFBI
- Launched NIIT Imperia, using synchronous learning, for high quality management education with IIMs
- Launched NIIT Litmus, Testing & Assessment Services for IT and ITES organisations
- Acquired Element K, a leading provider of learning solutions in North America. NIIT together with Element K becomes the world's largest e-Learning Content Library
- Conceptualized Model District Learning Center at Chhindwara, to provide high quality IT training for graduates from semi-rural towns
- NIIT Brand Ambassador Viswanathan Anand becomes World Chess Champions
- China education network crosses 170-centre mark
- NIIT Uniqua, Centre for Process Excellence formed in joint venture with Genpact to address the increasing demand for skilled workers in the business & technology services industry
- Net Revenue crosses Rs 1000 Crore
- NIIT accorded the 'Business Superbrand 2008'status once again
- NIIT Brand Ambassador Viswanathan Anand becomes the undisputed World Chess Champion
- NIIT launched the GNIIT (IMS) program developed in association with technology partners- Cisco, CompTIA, EMC, Microsoft, and Sun with the aim of meeting the industry's growing need for certified professionals
- NIIT Imperia launched "Certificate Program in International Financial Reporting Standards" to make companies IFRS ready
- NIIT and IBM entered into an alliance to offer training programs on IBM's Career Education in IBM Software framework.
- Ushering in a new model in higher education is the not-for-profit NIIT University, established in 2009 with a vision of being the leading centre of innovation and learning in emerging areas of the Knowledge Society. Nestled in the foothills of Aravali, in Neemrana, Rajasthan, the picturesque 100 acres fully residential green campus has been developed as an institute of excellence based on the four core principles of providing industry linked, technology based, research driven, seamless education.
- NIIT was associated with the Govt. of Gujarat to set a new World Record of 20,480 Simultaneous Chess Players at Ahmedabad on December 24, 2010 (This unique initiative by the Government of Gujarat, Gujarat State Chess Association and NIIT aimed to popularize the game of Chess in the State)
- NIIT won 'Top IT Training Company Award 2010' for the 18th year in succession by Cybermedia publications. (NIIT has been receiving this coveted award by India's leading IT publication, Dataquest, for the past 17 years in recognition of its talent development initiatives across the world)
- NIIT received the Best Learning Partner award from CISCO and Microsoft
- NIIT won the Franchisor of the year Award 2010 by Franchise Plus Magazine, for developing and demonstrating the best business model in the field of Information Technology Education
- NIIT MindChampion Viswanathan Anand became the World Chess Champion for the 4th time
- IGNOU & NIIT together launched Executive MBA Program for Working Professionals.
- NIIT Vietnam bagged the ICT GOLD MEDAL for the 5th consecutive time and ICT TOP 5 for the year 2010
- NIIT USA won ASTD 2010 Award for Excellence in Workplace Learning and Performance
- Element K was ranked among's Top 20 IT Training Companies. (The Top 20's list recognizes the leading IT training companies based on the breadth of IT training and delivery methods offered, as well as industry leadership and innovation)
- NIIT USA won the Brandon Hall Silver for excellence in E-Learning Awards
- NIIT USA earned Gold for Excellence in Content for KFC Virtual World at Chief Learning Officer - Learning in Practice Awards, 2010
- NIIT USA earned the Markie Sales Impact Award 2010 for Excellence in Marketing
- NIIT launched skill building initiatives to create an employable and skilled talent pool to meet requirements of the fast-paced Indian economy
- Launched New-age GNIIT India's First Cloud Campus
- NIIT won the 'Best Education Company to Work with' title at the Indian Education Awards 2011. (Indian Education Awards are the most prestigious awards that recognize and felicitate Achievers and Innovators who contribute significantly towards the development of Education in India)
- NIIT featured in Aon Hewitt's Top 25 list of 'Best Employers in India-2011'
- NIIT's association with Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand was recognized as the Top Brand Ambassador Engagement at the Indian PR and Corporate Communication Awards (IPRCCA) 2011, instituted by Exchange4Media
- NIIT HiWEL won the prestigious MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Award. (This was an effort by MacArthur Foundation and HASTAC to find and inspire the most novel uses of new media in support of learning, NIIT HiWEL was awarded for innovative use of internet and digital technology to transform learning and knowledge creation)
- NIIT won Microsoft's 'Learning Solutions Partner of the Year' for the third consecutive year. (This award marked a Hat-Trick by NIIT for being the 'Best Learning Solutions Partner' in India)
- NIIT USA was ranked among the Top 20 Companies in the Training Outsourcing Industry - 2010 and 2011 (NIIT has featured in this ranking since 2008)
- Element K won Silver in Brandon Hall for Excellence in Learning Technology
- NIIT USA was ranked amongst Top 10 Training & Learning Business Process Outsourcing Vendor in Black Book of Outsourcing
- NIIT USA won CLO Gold Excellence Award from Chief Learning Officer magazine
- NIIT Cognitive Arts won bronze Brandon Hall Learning Award
- NIIT unveils 'The Turning Point': an all-new Cloud Centric Curriculum
- Launch of Digital Marketing Program
- NIIT announced the 13th IT Scholarship in Nigeria, to reward meritorious students seeking a global career in IT.
- NIIT MindChampions' Academy (MCA), a not-for-profit initiative set up jointly by World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand and NIIT Ltd. with the objective of promoting Chess in schools, completed 10 years milestone. Since its inception, MCA has touched 1.5 million children in over 16,500 schools across India.
- NIIT's Schools Program empowers 10 Million students across India
- NIIT announced country's largest IT Aptitude Test - The 8th National I.T. Aptitude Test (NITAT) to enable students and graduates to ascertain their aptitude for the I.T. industry in over 200 cities nationwide.
- The company strengthened its partnership with the Department of Income Tax, to create a pool of trained and certified Tax Return Preparers (TRPs) across the country as part of the Tax Return Preparers Scheme (TRPS).
- NIIT received 'Top IT Training Company Award 2012' for the 20th year in succession by Cybermedia publications.
- NIIT featured as the 'Most Trusted Leader in Education' in Brand Trust Report, India Study, 2012, undertaken by Trust Research Advisory
- Received the Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning 2012 Silver Award in the Best in Competencies and Skill Development category jointly with Shell for Shell Standard Primavera Education.
- Awarded the silver in Chief Learning Officer Learning in Practice 2012 awards for the Excellence in E-Learning category for MetLife Virtual Induction Program.
- NIIT Imperia received the "Outstanding Student Support Services" award at the Asia Learning Leadership Awards 2012.
- NIIT Vietnam was awarded the ICT Gold Medal - 2012, by Ho Chi Minh City Computer Association (HCA) for the seventh consecutive year.
- NIIT has been ranked among the 'Top 10 India's Best Companies to Work for-2012' by Great Places to Work Institute
- NIIT USA was ranked among Top 20 Companies in the Training Outsourcing Industry (NIIT is being featured in this ranking since 2008)
- NIIT launched "India's First Cloud Campus" through its new-age GNIIT Programme.
- NIIT reaffirmed itself as a 'Youth connect brand', through the hugely successful social media campaign #Wish4Vishy, The campaign became a national movement with wishes pouring in for NIIT MindChampion Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand prior to the World Chess Championship 2013, reaching out to over 60 lakh fans and well-wishers of Vishy across the globe
- Over 1,52,000 candidates from more than 300 cities applied for NIIT's 9th National IT Aptitutude Test (NITAT), 2013.
- NIIT MindChampions Academy (MCA) completed 10 years of developing young minds through Chess, impacting over 1.65 million children across 17,000 schools since its inception.
- NIIT China launched a Global Talent Development centre in Haikou city of Hainan province, to train skilled manpower for the growing IT industry in the country.
- NIIT, NIIT University entered into a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Autodesk to evangelize design as a learning discipline in India.
- NIIT launched a comprehensive and unique 'Program in Business Analytics' to develop the next generation of data scientists and business analytics professionals
- The Directorate of Income Tax and NIIT Limited, Leading Global Talent Development Corporation and Asia's Largest IT trainer, certified and felicitated the 2nd batch of successful students of Tax Return Preparer Scheme (TRPS).
- Hindustan Coca-Cola, Being Human and NIIT Foundation in partnership to set up for career centres for rural youth.
- NIIT District Learning Centre, Chhindwara completed 5 years of empowering local talent to chart successful careers.
- NIIT conducted the 14th IT Scholarship Test in Nigeria.
- NIIT announced Bhavishya Jyoti Scholarship - India's most significant IT Scholarship program.
- NIIT received 'Top IT Training Company Award 2013' for the 20th year in succession by Cybermedia publications
- NIIT Imperia received "Best Telecom & Satellite Learning Providers in Education" award at the National Education Excellence Awards 2013 by leading industry body ASSOCHAM, (Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India).
- NIIT IFBI recognized as the "Most Innovative Recruitment Management initiative" at the Talent & HR Leadership Conference Awards by ET Now at World HRD Congress 2013.
- NIIT Nguru - ICR@Home, has been acknowledged for the 2nd consecutive year at the World Education Summit 2013 for "Best Use of Assistive Technologies in Education".
- NIIT USA was ranked among the Top 20 Companies in Training Outsourcing, 2013 by Training Industry, Inc. for the 7th Consecutive time since 2008.
- NIIT featured as "India's Most Trusted Education Brand" according to the Brand Trust Report, India Study, 2014, undertaken by Trust Research Advisory for the 3rd consecutive year.
- NIIT Nguru received "Best Interactive Solution Provider" award at the National Education Excellence Awards 2014 by leading industry body ASSOCHAM (Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India).
- Over 80,000 candidates from more than 200 cities applied for NIIT's 10th National IT Aptitude Test (NITAT), 2014.
- NIIT has been ranked the "4th Best Company to Work For" in India by Great Place to Work Institute
- Launched NIIT.TV, a digital learning initiative that brings skilling from NIIT classrooms to every digitally connected Indian, for free, at any time and place of their choice.
- Launched StackRoute, a first of its kind initiative to create full stack programmers.
- Launched NIIT Digital, a robust platform that connects the corporate and individual learners seamlessly and provides an environment for improving learning effectiveness and efficiency.
- Acquired 70% stake in RPS Consulting Private Limited.
- Announced strategic investment in KNOLSKAPE, a leading experiential learning platform.
- Acquired 100% membership interest in St. Charles Consulting Group LLC.

About NIIT
NIIT Limited is a leading global talent development corporation that is engaged in building skilled human capital and enhancing workforce talent worldwide. The company, which was set up in 1981 to help the nascent IT industry overcome its human resource challenges, today ranks among the world’s leading training companies owing to its vast, yet comprehensive array of talent development programs. With a footprint across 30 nations, NIIT offers training and development solutions to Individuals, Enterprises and Institutions.