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Learn the most widely used programming languages.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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Designed for beginners having no prior experience in programming

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Get skilled in web development with the basics of HTML, CSS & JS

Self-paced learning

Learn the fundamentals of the three most popular programming languages

Deep-dive into HTML by learning its Elements and Attributes

Understand the basics of CSS and the Element, Class & ID Selectors

Learn functional code with the basic knowledge of JavaScript

Learn Arithmetic & Assignment Operators, Data Types & Functions in JS

Put your learning to use & gain hands-on experience with the course project

Top Skills You Will Learn

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Element, ID & Class Selectors, Box Model, Script Tag, JS Output and more

Job Opportunities

Useful in multiple professional roles like Web Development, Web Designing, Software Development etc.

Who Is This Program For?

This program is open to all who have an interest in programming and coding.

Program Curriculum

Intro and Course Outline

Intro and Course Outline

What is HTML?

What is HTML?

What is CSS?

What is CSS?

What is JS?

What is JS?

HTML: Basics

HTML: Basics

HTML: Element & Attributes

HTML: Element & Attributes

CSS: Basics

CSS: Basics

CSS: Element Selector

CSS: Element Selector

CSS: Class Selectors

CSS: Class Selectors

CSS: ID Selectors

CSS: ID Selectors

CSS: Box Model

CSS: Box Model

JavaScript: Basics

JavaScript: Basics

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators

What is MySQL?

What is MySQL?

Data Types in JavaScript

Data Types in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript

JS to change HTML Content

JS to change HTML Content

The Script Tag

The Script Tag

JavaScript Output

JavaScript Output

Let's Build a Project: Demo

Let's Build a Project: Demo

Build: HTML

Build: HTML

Project Build: CSS

Project Build: CSS

Project Build: JavaScript - 1

Project Build: JavaScript - 1

Project Build: JavaScript - 2

Project Build: JavaScript - 2

Project Build: JavaScript - 3

Project Build: JavaScript - 3

Project Build: JavaScript - 4

Project Build: JavaScript - 4

Project Build: JavaScript - 5

Project Build: JavaScript - 5

Project Build: JavaScript - 6

Project Build: JavaScript - 6

Project Build: JavaScript - 7

Project Build: JavaScript - 7

Project Build: JavaScript - 8

Project Build: JavaScript - 8

Project Build: JavaScript - 9

Project Build: JavaScript - 9

Upgrade to our Advanced Tracks

Professional Java Developer Program

Interviews with top companies*

Career Guidance*

Rs. 65000

Java Developer Program (Part-time)

Become industry ready and learn the concepts of Java programming, design object-oriented applications with Java and create Java programs using hands-on, engaging activities.

Registration closes - 18th July 2022

Day 1 project ready

Rs. 50000

How to Develop Your Own Game Using Python Software Development

Important in programming, loop control statements determine how iterations of a loop are executed. Java, a widely used programming language, provides programmers with two such instructions, Break and Continue, to alter the operation of loops.

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How to Develop Your Own Game Using Python Software Development

Boolean values are very important to the process of computer programming because they serve as a numerical representation of the truth value of logical propositions. The "boolean" data type in Java may either hold "true" or "false" to represent values that are true or false, respectively.

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How to Develop Your Own Game Using Python Software Development

The ability to "cast" one data type into another is a fundamental notion in Java programming. It is essential for the computer to correctly comprehend and handle data.

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