Self-paced learning
Learn the fundamentals of the three most popular programming languages
Deep-dive into HTML by learning its Elements and Attributes
Understand the basics of CSS and the Element, Class & ID Selectors
Learn functional code with the basic knowledge of JavaScript
Learn Arithmetic & Assignment Operators, Data Types & Functions in JS
Put your learning to use & gain hands-on experience with the course project
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Element, ID & Class Selectors, Box Model, Script Tag, JS Output and more
Useful in multiple professional roles like Web Development, Web Designing, Software Development etc.
This program is open to all who have an interest in programming and coding.
Intro and Course Outline
What is HTML?
What is CSS?
What is JS?
HTML: Basics
HTML: Element & Attributes
CSS: Basics
CSS: Element Selector
CSS: Class Selectors
CSS: ID Selectors
CSS: Box Model
JavaScript: Basics
Arithmetic Operators
What is MySQL?
Data Types in JavaScript
Functions in JavaScript
JS to change HTML Content
The Script Tag
JavaScript Output
Let's Build a Project: Demo
Build: HTML
Project Build: CSS
Project Build: JavaScript - 1
Project Build: JavaScript - 2
Project Build: JavaScript - 3
Project Build: JavaScript - 4
Project Build: JavaScript - 5
Project Build: JavaScript - 6
Project Build: JavaScript - 7
Project Build: JavaScript - 8
Project Build: JavaScript - 9
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Country: india
pageCategory: CoursePage
pageSubCategory: CourseCatalogPage
PageSubSubCategory: CoursePage
PageName: india:graduates:self-paced-programs:html,-css-and-javascript
CourseCatogery: self-paced-programs
CourseSubCatogery: graduates
CourseName: self-paced-programs:html,-css-and-javascript
CourseCode: HTMCJ
CourseType: Online
CourseEnrollmentNow: No